LOVE YA SELF SESSIONS + Journal Prompts + A MEDITATION | Sierra Shawn | Ithaca New York

Around Christmas my cousin asked me to take some boudie pictures of her. She and I have had many conversations about how we feel about our bodies, being from the same blood line.. its no suprise we have always struggled with our self love towards our selves (most of the women in my family), and specifically our body. That’s when the seed was planted. We got a day and time to link up and shoot this. We decided we would honor her love of eating, because mmmmm mmmm mmmm we (you know women who love food and eating!) love our fruits, chocolates, and pizza! We had so much fun, literally shooting in her bedroom with a daybed mattress on the floor, after that I stood in her closet facing my cousin who was about less than 3 feet away.. It was a blast, I dont know if I have had as much fun at a session as I did doing these photos!

Want to know a secret Maggie was there… I know some of your are thinking… wtf! I believe aspects of the session are helpful for her subconcious to hear — me reminding my cousin how amazing she is!! See I hated my body growing up.. I always wanted to be skinnier, have better clothes, look different… everything. I want Maggie to know that we all have flaw, but that is what makes us unique. You can disagree with me but IGF honestly. Maggie gots to take a few pictures of the session as it unfolded on her own camera to give to my cousin… In all honesty my cousin LOVED THE PHOTOS MAGGIE TOOK! Though 10 were close of ups of me, or you know pointed right up at me… man that double chin shot from below… CRINGE!! HAHAHA!

Back to the story…. Now we are going to travel back — to when I first found out I was pregnant with Maggie.. I felt the urge to begin journaling (boy did that get me into trouble - thats a story for another time in a whole separate section). I still am journaling, even through that trouble. I still truly enjoy starting my day after I get to workout, read, and journal. It feels so good. Anyway, after my cousins boudie session, I realized how much other women could benefit from sessions like that and then as well from my own self work I have been working through with these journal prompts I created almost 5 years ago - yes it took me a little while to get to where I was doing this work, and sometimes its was not super consistent.. sometimes it was in my phone, on a random piece of paper, I have always gone back to this. So I want to share with you my Journal Prompts . They are very close to my heart, and I have never shared them with anyone. Since my cousins session I also created a sweet, and very laughable meditation. I laughed making it, but that’s for sure because I find myself hilarious! That I feel fits right in with all of this, these love ya self sessions to bring self love back into your life through some fun photo shoots, as well as journal prompts and meditation for you lovely human beings! I am so grateful that you are interested in all of this and hope that we can create some magic soon!

OKAy, these love ya self sessions

These are not your typical boudie sessions. I will not photoshop a single blemish. You will see your beautiful raw body in the most loving way. You will see your stretch marks that you might have had since you were 13. You know what that is okay because most all of us grow and expand throughout our lifetime, and its fucking beautiful! You will see your radiant light shine from the inside out. You will show yourself so much love that your little voice you might hear that says any negative thing about you, you can tell to shut the fuck up!

To learn more about our love ya self sessions — head here!

These sessions are full of fun, and a joy. I love them!


FREE DOWNLOAD ALERT!!! | Sierra Shawn | Ithaca New York


Honoring your transition into motherhood, postpartum series | Sierra Shawn Photography | Ithaca New York